Car Accident Attorney | Personal Injury Lawyers

Car Accident Attorney

An ever-present reality of life is the frequency of car accidents. When there is serious injury, however, it is important to ensure that you receive all the compensation you are entitled to. The effects of the accident may be with you for the rest of your life in lost earning power and need for medical help, therapy, and retraining. A claims adjuster from the insurance company may press you to accept immediate cash in exchange for a release. You need to know that this eager offer is part of a coordinated insurance company strategy to low-ball accident victims. You owe it to yourself and your family to do better. In order to do so, however, it is important for you to understand what action you must take following an accident-related injury. As such, you are urged to contact an injury lawyer for an honest case accident Attorneys

Pursuing Damages in the Wake of a Car Accident in Texas

The aftermath of a serious collision can leave a victim overwhelmed and unsure of what steps to take next. No one understands this better than the legal team at our Law Office, but we have also seen several wrongfully injured victims denied the compensation that they deserve because they have failed to take action immediately after an accident. For this reason, it is important to make sure that you are proactive in the interest of protecting your rights as soon as you have been injured. In order to do so, however, it is necessary to establish that the other party negligently or recklessly caused the accident and the resulting injuries. With that proof at hand, you may be entitled to the following:

Hospital bills
Medical bills
Ambulance bills
Property losses
Pain and Suffering
Loss of income, present, and future
Rehabilitation and retraining costs

Whether you have been injured at the hands of a drunk driver or a distracted driver, it is important to make sure that you receive the settlement that you deserve. In order to do so, you must keep a few simple tips in mind in the wake of a collision. First, do not admit fault to the other driver or an insurance adjuster, even if they are provoking you to do so. Secondly, take pictures of the scene of the accident, including any damage that was done to the vehicles involved. And finally, contact a lawyer as early on as possible. In doing so, you may be able to better protect yourself from any false accusations, as well as ensure that you are provided with the amount of compensation that is necessary to your recovery.

Contact our Law Office Today

Our Law Office is a small firm devoted to the representation of car accident victims. Our goal is to provide you with friendly, personal service coupled with superior, aggressive representation. We have a background as a supervising forensic Chemist-Toxicologist for the State of Texas Crime Laboratory Division. With this skill, we have a distinct advantage in cases where drugs or alcohol are factors. Our firm has helped innumerable car accident victims achieve maximum compensation for their injuries, either by assisting them in filing an insurance claim or by pursuing a personal injury lawsuit on their behalf. For this reason, if you have suffered serious personal injury in an auto accident, we urge you to contact us for a consultation with an experienced attorney with the firm. You don’t have much time before your ability to recover rightful damages is severely diminished, so take action as soon as possible.

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